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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Facts about slavery never mentioned in school | Thomas Sowell

Facts about slavery never mentioned in school | Thomas Sowell https://youtu.be/lyPWjjWs7-w?si=pwdW3Iqw5ZT4MyUp via @YouTube
World needs Thomas Sowell now, more than ever
Human History demonstrates this institution amongst all races, classes and religions. All Races were #slaves throughout Human History

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Liberals MELTDOWN After King of Jordan GOES FULL TRUMP And SHUTS DOWN Th...


I wish our people would WAKE UP, and see the wisdom of closing the borders.

Borders ought to be closed immediately in America. There is literally no excuse to argue against this. This should be a zero tolerance thing right
Smart!!!! Keep speaking the truth Officer Tatum. Trump MAGA 2024.

We are letting in people that hate us and our way of life.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Candace Owens SCHOOLS black people, "White People Ended Slavery."


I'm a South African, who is a History graduate that did their final
year research paper on Slavery. She's 100% right. It's sad that many
don't know this.

It is so sad we live in a time that spreading hate through lies is more important than the actual truth.