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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Facts about slavery never mentioned in school | Thomas Sowell

Facts about slavery never mentioned in school | Thomas Sowell https://youtu.be/lyPWjjWs7-w?si=pwdW3Iqw5ZT4MyUp via @YouTube
World needs Thomas Sowell now, more than ever
Human History demonstrates this institution amongst all races, classes and religions. All Races were #slaves throughout Human History

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Liberals MELTDOWN After King of Jordan GOES FULL TRUMP And SHUTS DOWN Th...


I wish our people would WAKE UP, and see the wisdom of closing the borders.

Borders ought to be closed immediately in America. There is literally no excuse to argue against this. This should be a zero tolerance thing right
Smart!!!! Keep speaking the truth Officer Tatum. Trump MAGA 2024.

We are letting in people that hate us and our way of life.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Candace Owens SCHOOLS black people, "White People Ended Slavery."


I'm a South African, who is a History graduate that did their final
year research paper on Slavery. She's 100% right. It's sad that many
don't know this.

It is so sad we live in a time that spreading hate through lies is more important than the actual truth.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Put God First - Denzel Washington Motivational & Inspiring Commencement ...

I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got
to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home,
a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity...
A child of God.. Hallelujah

North suburban police officers saves baby's life

Thursday, September 28, 2023

  Do something nice for your worst enemy. They don't expect that. Let them wonder what you're up to.

Monday, September 25, 2023

 You’re not limited by your background. You’re not at the mercy of who raised you, what you didn’t get, what looks impossible. Your Heavenly Father is about to breathe on your life in a new way. New doors are about to open.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

BASED Black Jacksonville Sheriff GOES OFF On Race Baiting Liberal Journa...

Blaming an object is always easier than blaming oneself.
This is 100% spot on. We need to stop blaming the object
and blame the subject.

Mass Shootings you never hear about. Brown on Brown -
no news.

Thank you Officer Tatum and the Jacksonville Sheriff speaking
the truth. People who want to do evil will find a way.

I'm so sick of the race narrative.

Mass shootings you never hear of.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

You were created in the image of God. When He made you, He put a part of Himself in you. You have the DNA of Almighty God. You are powerful. You are anointed. You are favored. You are blessed.

Thursday, August 31, 2023


100 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry! Best of October

Good people still exist. 

Faith in Kindness. 
Help one another as we always have. 

One Nation Under God.  Amen 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Black Teens Take Over Downtown Chicago Causing Chaos and Destruction

As a black man again I am so embarrassed by this and understand why we have such negative view on our community. Looting, robbery, carjacking, gang violence , mob attacks , arson , vandalism , it seems to always be us. People can’t look upon us in a positive way if we keep acting like this . Sadly the current administration promoted this behavior and because excuses are always made as to why ..it increases because they don’t punish this . We need to realize at some point people are going to get fed up and then we will feel the consequences , you can only push people so far. We need to speak out and hold our own accountable , they are right that if a mob of white teens beat a person of color they would be crucified and yet they do nothing when it is the opposite. We fought for equality not preferential treatment.

Black Teens Take Over Downtown Chicago Causing Chaos and Destruction

Sunday, August 13, 2023

 You’re not too old; you didn’t miss your chance. God’s already put that seed in your spirit. If you’ll stir it up, start living passionately, you’re going to see God show out in your life.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The tweet the Left doesn't want you to see!!
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

50 Acts Of Kindness That Will Make You Cry | Kindness Day 2023

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Good Samaritans Help Modesto Officer Struggling With Suspect

That's how fast things can escalate, good job by the Samaritans
and the officer.

We are a team to stay safe. Proud of those folks stepping out
and up.

This is community spirit we need. Helping each other against the
bad guys. Criminals should think twice because they know the
publics response will be swift and firm.

Police will need the publics help from time to time. Thanks to all. 

A Short History of Slavery / Facts

I have known these facts, because I learned about them in
school in the 90s and have been wishing for someone to
make a video just like this. My family and I are mixed and
partly descended from TaĆ­no Indians.

This was so educational, I love how it ignores the many
countries or kingdoms outside of the European super powers
that abolished slavery prior to 1833.

I am surprised that people in USA need this kind of lesson, it
is basic knowledge almost everyone should know from school...
of course, if school is not engaged in stupid things...

Just to eat was a struggle for many.