The Unemployed has now Doubled Under OBamas Watch.
( Some kind of Change 'eh )
OBama is a Crash Dummy. Spending Trillions Of
Dollars is Not the Way to get America Back on her Feet.
Some Change ??!!
And the Terrorist see OBama as a Weak Leader.
So they are Trying even Harder to Kill Americans.
They do not Fear OBama, However, they did Fear
Bush and Cheney. That Kept us Safe and the CIA
and many others doing their Jobs.
OBama wants to put CIA agaents on Trail ???? What ??
And Bring Terrorist to a Civilian Trail in N.Y. City ??! How
Stupid is that. Giving Terrorist Lawyers ?? OBama has got
to Wake up. Terrorist Sound be Tried in a Military Court !!!!
Period ...
Thanks for Reading My Blogs
Spot on I'd say.