"Movie 13 Hours"
Clinton and Obama let them die when they had asked
for extra security. - 9/11 Anniversary.
F - 16 Fighters could of been their in 2 - 3
hours at most.
Troops in contact -
Yet Obama and Clinton wouldn't send in the
Fighter Jet's. To save American Lives??
What a disgrace....
Obama and Clinton blamed the attack on
a Video someone made CA. Put the man in jail!!
It was the 9/11 Anniversary. Come on man.
They asked for more men, Seals, Army, Delta, Marines.
It was denied by Hillary Clinton.
Obama was the President the buck stops with him!!
Shameful inactions.
Other Counties had removed their Staff out of
Libya. Clinton and Obama didn't ????
These men fought for 13 hours and No
Help came!!?? Costing 4 Americans Lives.
Troops in Contact you send in the boys!!
F -18 at Sigonella, Italy less than
30 minutes away. Do a Fly over at least in
Full Afterburner would have saved American Lives.
Weak Obama and Clinton let them die.
An Unarmed Drone over head watched
as they fought a 13 hour firefight.
Why wasn't the Drone Armed??
Shameful is an Understatement.
( NAS Sigonella we have 2 Base's there.
One has planes their all the time.
USAF, Navy and Marines. From F - 18's
to F - 15's to F -16's.
And Navy Seals are Stationed there.
WTH. Why wasn't these Fighters Jets
at least used to do fly overs in Full Afterburner??
Naval Air Stations Sigonella, Sicily, Italy.
They could of been their in under 20 minutes
at full military power. )