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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Heres to Ol' Glory - And the Men and Women that keep America Safe.... AMEN

The American Dream....

Freedom is what our Forefathers fought for....

NoBama needs to get with it.
Do a better Job and protect our Liberties.

Our Freedoms - OBama needs to Protect them Better...

OBama is not keeping America Safe

2 Incidents of Terrorism have happened since Nobama took Office. Fort Hood
and The Northwestern Plane attack. President Bush had no such attacks on his watch
after 911. ( Clinton let Bin Laden Live when he could have taken him out on
atleast a couple of Occasions. CIA said as much. )

Nobama makes America look weak. He has no Experience. And his Friend's; Farrakhan,
Ayers, Rezko, Rev. Wright (20 years he listened to this nut job), Jones, etc.,
leave one to ask is he a Muslim / Islamic too ??!!

After 911 we had no more attacks for 8 Years. Now we are starting to get attacked again ??!
Thanks, Great Job Nobama.

Terrorist are not affraid of Nobama. They, however, were affraid of President Bush. Fact.
Nobama makes Americans look weak. Nobamas Pretty speeches will not help us.

Terrorist Love Demorats. They run when a GOP President is in Office. Fact....

Thank You